Sunday, February 27, 2011

Polarity and Electronegativity

C --- C
2.5 - 2.5 = 0.0
Absolutely Covalent

C --- H
2.5 - 2.2 = 0.3
Very Covalent

Propane is a nonpolar molecule due to the fact that there are no excess electrons around the molecule. All of the hydrogen electrons fit into the "slots" of the carbon atoms perfectly. Propane is given an even charge because there is an even distribution of electrons.


  1. You are correct in saying that Propane is a non-polar molecule. Due to the even distribution of hydrogen atoms, there are no places more or less positive or negative. I do not understand what you mean about the hydrogen electrons fit into the "slots" of the carbon atoms. There is a single bond between all hydrogen and carbon atoms but nothing to do with the slots. You would use the "slots" if an atom were to have an unshared electron pair and there was another atom with 6 electrons (for example) and it would fit into the slot to fill the octet rule.

  2. Wait its no-polar but doesn't Carbon have a greater electronegativity than Hydrogen

  3. sorry non-polar i meant to say

    1. yess carbon does have a higher electronegativitiy but that does not mean the compound is covelent

  4. You can usually find the type of bond that form by looking At electronegativity
